One of our UK NHS Trust clients is keen to fit copper door handles, push plates and light switches during their refurbishment programme over the next 5 years, across two hospital sites.
They want to standardise components across both sites. They will accept natural copper / copper-alloy colours, as part of a visual statement, so there are no alloy constraints.
The first step is a preliminary “meet the buyer” meeting on 19th Jan 2016 between 12-3pm, for the Trust team to see products and budget prices.
This invitation is open to manufacturers of Cu+ approved copper door handles, push plates and light switches.
Product robustness appropriate for harsh environments such as hospitals is essential, and grade 4 category certification to EN 1906 required for door handles.
Interested companies must have presence and support in the UK, and be able to attend a “meet the buyer” meeting held at the Trust premises on 19th January 2016.
If you and your products meet these requirements, please contact us and express your interest by 5pm on 4th Jan 2016.
To make this fair, we would suggest your price information should be provided in a sealed envelope to the Trust buyer.
Please note the limited space / numbers constraints at the event.
The Trust will be looking to see product samples and pricing, to enable a swift decision.
Product cost will naturally be a major consideration, and please note the requirement for hospital items to withstand rough handling / abuse.
No fee is imposed by ACT Surfaces Ltd to attend this event, nor will we be seeking to earn a commission on your product sales for this project.
Please email Andrew – quoting our ref 2015E12A – if you are able and willing to attend on Tues 19th Jan 2016, 12-3pm, in South East England, advising alloys and product details.
A concise ppt or pdf file of products and finishes in your range would be welcomed.
The inital focus is on door handles and light switches, however further items may become of interest to the Trust.
We will inform the client of interested suppliers at lunchtime on Tuesday 5th January 2016.
If necessary, due to space constraints, the Trust will shortlist invited companies on the basis of submitted and publicly-available information.
If you have any questions or concerns, please ask.
We wish you a happy Christmas and successful 2016.
ACT Surfaces Ltd
——– Forwarded Email ——–
Subject: | Copper fittings |
Date: | Mon, 21 Dec 2015 13:57:10 +0000 |
Following our conversation today, could you please arrange to visit us on the afternoon of 19th January 2016?
As discussed, it would be useful to bring suitable manufacturers of copper fittings with you, who will be able to bring sample items along with estimated costs.
As I explained, we have multiple refurbishment and new build projects proposed in our Estates Strategy, which we are planning to action over the next five years. We are specifically looking to review the merits of copper based door handles, door push plates and light switches with a view to installing these products as standard fittings within our upcoming projects.
I will organise a meeting room with space for up to 5 interested manufacturers to display their products, from 12.00 noon to 15.00 hrs.
I will also invite suitably interested colleagues to visit with the manufacturers and yourself, to discuss the benefits of copper fittings and examine the products on display.
This staff consultation event will contribute to our decision making around the type of alloy and colour of copper fittings to install.
I look forward to meeting with you in the New Year.